About Alex
Born and Raised in Minnesota
Why Alex is Running
Alex Moe is running for the Minnesota House of Representatives for Legislative District 32B. Alex decided to run because he has a history of serving his community and striving to make Minnesota a better place for everyone. Becoming a Minnesota House Representative is a great way for Alex to continue his passion for serving his community.
Trust in our institutions, including schools, law enforcement, and government, is declining. Alex Moe will help renew that trust in Minnesota's institutions. He will work for Minnesotans as a public servant, and not a career politician. He hopes to bring more education, reform, and unity to the North Star State.

Education Background
Alex grew up in Minnesota and graduated from the Delano Public Schools. He moved to Duluth to pursue his undergraduate studies at the University of Minnesota Duluth Campus. At UMD, he graduated with majors in Criminology, Political Science, Music, Cognitive Science, International Studies, and Philosophy, as well as a minor in Psychology. In preparation for law school, Alex completed a Paralegal Certificate program online through Boston University. Currently, he is attending courses at Mitchell Hamline School of Law to obtain his J.D. while working full-time for the Anoka County Court Administration.
While in school, Alex served as a Student School Board Representative, acting as a voice and advocate for students in grades 1-12. Alex met with students and conveyed their concerns to the school board to help bridge the gap between students and administrators. He also initiated a youth robotics team for younger students that were interested in STEM, personally coaching these students with the help of adult volunteers.
At the University of Minnesota Duluth, Alex was involved with the UMD Student Association, serving two years as the Speaker of Congress. He used this position to help facilitate necessary changes at the university. Alex was also involved with the Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Honor Society and Mortar Board National Honor Society. Today, at Mitchell Hamline School of Law, Alex is the Student Representative for his fellow first year law school students.
Professional Background
Alex currently works for Anoka County Court Administration and has a variety of work experiences, including work in manufacturing, customer service, and corrections.
Alex has worked three separate jobs in the corrections field, an internship and full time position in adult corrections and another full time job in juvenile corrections. During his time working in corrections, Alex along with his coworkers oversaw the intake, discharge, and rehabilitation of various a wide range of individuals as they went through the criminal justice system. This experience gave Alex a first hand look at the corrections end of our criminal justice system and see for himself how big of a problem crime is in our state and our county.
Following along with his interest in understanding the criminal justice system in Minnesota, Alex subsequently began to work at his current position with the Anoka County Court Administration. Here, Alex works on processing case related documents for cases coming through Anoka County working alongside other justice partners to ensure a fair, equal, and expedient experience with the court side of the criminal justice system.
During high school he worked at two manufacturing companies to gain valuable knowledge and experience. While living in Duluth for college, Alex worked as a corrections officer and as a security guard and trainer. He worked at the University of Minnesota Duluth's Career and Internship Service to help students and community members access resources for career and professional development.
Around the same time in Duluth, Alex also worked as a Youth Care Counselor, working with youth in a residential treatment and correctional setting. He was also a job coach where he worked with clients with cognitive and physical impairments to find and retain meaningful employment.

Community Involvement
Alex has always loved being active and engaged in his community. Growing up, Alex attended Light of Christ Lutheran Church where he was confirmed and attended youth group sessions and events. He went on two mission trips to Colorado and Georgia where he volunteered at shelters and churches in support of homeless individuals. Alex also served in a leadership position at his church as a confirmation junior guide and assisted in planning events.
Alex has been involved with the Boy Scouts of America since elementary school. He earned his Eagle Scout Award in high school and continued further as an adult leader and Assistant Scoutmaster. Through this organization, Alex spent countless hours volunteering in his community doing activities such as roadside cleanups, park cleanups, food shelf donation drives, community fundraisers, and much more.